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"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee
  great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."
                                                                        Jeremiah 33:3
​     2012 Prophecies/Teachings​


I received a night vision from the Lord showing me a large fat bear in hibernation in a cave. Very comfortable in slumber her metabolism is slowed down. Slow in heartbeat, slow breathing, inactive.  The Lord said, “This bear is like many in my body, fat in their comfort lifestyle of self and pleasure.  I have built into the bear a knowing to eat all she can to sustain herself during the long winter of hibernation. But the fat Christian, spiritually speaking, has filled him or herself with much feeding being full of the word, listening to good sermons, reading books and listening to Christian music. The bear’s filling is for survival of self but for the Christian who does not give out of his belly this “living water” they receive stagnation, full of self like cholesterol. 
Veins are not flowing with life of Jesus. They are slumbering, lethargic to what I’ve called them to do. I have wanted to raise their heartbeats of love for Me and for others.  They have turned over and over again in rebellion to my words and just sleep. So now I will start to separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep are My children flowing in My love and obedience. The goats are they that hear but do not care. See but do not walk in compassion to the needs of others and the lost.
For the good sheep My people of obedience, you shall be like the bear that awakes filled with My Spirit.  Leaving the cave of your comfort to go into the enemy’s camp and cause destruction to its kingdom. You shall come out of the cave lean so it will be easy to fight and mean with a justified anger of the Lord. Just like Jesus, when He entered the temple with His whip and drove out sin, the money changers.  And you shall be hungry like the bear coming out of hibernation ready to devour all those who come against the word of the Lord with the two-edged sword. Even the anti-Christ spirit in the churches will be exposed as you speak forth with My anointing and power. I will vindicate My word and you, My body who walk in the Spirit and in truth.” 
​Bro. Don Waldo - 01/02/2012





In the 1960’s, there was such an outpouring on the young people as few of us know. This was called the “Jesus Movement.” People were so changed by God it was so shocking! From night to shining light!
Oh yes, religious saints bound in their old wineskins would not accept these people because they were different and not acceptable. How could God accept these low lives, I ask you? But Jesus had opened arms and accepted them. Sadly, not many in proper churches did. 
On Sept 25,  2012, while cutting the hedges in our home in Coos Bay, Oregon, all of a sudden, as the Lord almost always does to me -- HE quickly changed my one track mind diverting my thinking from my task to now receiving, loud and clear - HIS thoughts into my spirit and filtering up to my mind. The word set me back for a moment like the religious people because of what HE showed me. I thought -- how could God use this younger generation today with their lifestyle? They’ve been brought up to be a bunch of self-centered with “higher than the highest mountain” attitudes and egos, drowned in this pleasure seeking, worldly culture?
Quickly, I had to repent and I realized God can change the heart of anyone, even mine. How would God reach this younger generation? “Only by HIS mighty power being brought in with revealing signs, wonders, miracles and healings in the outpouring of His Spirit! This will draw them into HIS fold!
Why? Well, many churches do not appeal to them because there is not a reality. There is very little anointing or many times, none at all, in the body.  Certainly, they can’t be changed by religion. They will only be convinced when they know HE is alive. This young group will be God’s catalyst for this revival as in the ‘60’s. Today’s organized church will not enter into the new wineskins but have old wineskins dry and set in unbelief and are dead in traditions - not willing to go forward with the new outpouring.
For those who are willing to move forward however - many in the old generation – the seasoned saints will surely be open to the things of the Holy Spirit. They shall then become mentors directing and educating them with an anointing of the Holy Spirit to help the younger ones go forward and  grow for His glory.
​​​In Christ, ​Bro. Don Waldo - 10.16.2012
Are You Wearing Fine Linen?


In the days of old, God instructed the priests to wear fine linen when they would minister to the people and the Lord. God did not want them to wear wool clothes because they would sweat. He wanted to be clean in spirit and in body in His house.
Today, symbolically, we put the fine garments of linen which is the Holy Spirit. For this to happen we cannot walk in the flesh – having unforgiveness, pride, trying to control God’s meetings with our intellect and biblical knowledge  --  but must be led by the Holy Spirit or we will fail.
Nothing of real value will cause an eternal effect on people’s lives. Worst of all, we will start sweating in our own efforts and the weak flesh. The stench and sweat are signs that He has not wrapped us in fine linen -- which is His Anointing and Presence.
Pride and self cannot be wrapped in this fine linen but a broken vessel walking in the love of God will be a sweet savor in the nostrils of God.
We must be like the broken alabaster box pouring out our lives upon Jesus and serving His bride. Amen.
Bro. Don Waldo - 01.04.2012
Don’t Miss The Mark!
(Reference: Luke 10:40)
In the story about Jesus visiting Mary and Martha’s home, this teaching by our Lord is a very important lesson and a must to follow in our lives and in ministry.
We must take a strong look and guard in our hearts and lives not only to completely understand but to apply this in our lives. It’s the difference between success and failure, even life or death.
Martha represents the world system – the temporary flesh of man, self, the carnal heart.
Just seeing what was in front of her - which is temporal – driven by the clock, time to meet deadlines, stress, no peace, emotions on pins and needles. The word of Jesus could not pierce her heart. It is no different today, stony ground of the heart and attitude.
How could we hear His voice? Martha listened to His sweet voice but did not perceive in her heart. She casted herself by the wayside but gained nothing.
But Mary was in the Spirit looking into eternity. Can we sit apathetically at the Master’s feet and receive eternal values?
We must dip into the waters of His Anointing and Presence.
To be filled, there has to be a filtering done by our Lord from the mind to the spirit of man. This is where HE comes to sup and speak to us. 
Why must we be like a Mary? We must learn how to be still and listen to the Holy Spirit.
  As I stated we must sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary did. I'm learning a principle that we all need to pray for God's understanding and direction. Always, there's going to be needs in the body of Christ.
Once I was asked to be a guest speaker at Redding, CA. As I prayed during this three-hour drive, the Lord showed me there was somebody that was coming to the meeting who was about to commit suicide. When I got  there I was reluctant to speak the word of knowledge out for a while but the Holy Spirit prompted me three times to speak the word.  I then addressed the crowd, "If you are here tonight and you are on the verge of suicide, please come forward." Two women and a man stood up and walked towards the podium. As they walked, the power of God touched them and all three fell down on the floor, weeping and crying being set free from the bondage.  
Life and death could be in the scales of balance. 
​Will you become a Mary or a Martha in your walk with God?
Bro. Don Waldo - 01.04.2012​























The Coming and the Stirring of God's Mighty Outpouring

(This is an ongoing prophecy though it was received this year)


        A Young Soldier Bound for Glory 
             (Could this really have happened?) 
As Jesus tried to stand, his legs weak and shaking, His body racked with pain. The blood from the crowns of thorns rammed down on His head now ran into His eyes. His back and body on fire from the cat of nine tails whip.  And now a Roman soldier, a young and muscular man grabbed Jesus by the arm yanking Him almost off His feet. At that moment, the proud vain soldier thought, “I’ll show these Jews who their real superior is and the best race. We control you.” The devil was laughing, “You fools! I control and manipulate all of you.” Truly pride is a rapid destruction in one’s life, a bomb ready to explode. Ha!  In a dazed effort, Jesus slowly lifted His head thinking, “How much more can I endure, Father?” In the noise of the crowd and the wailing of Jesus’ followers, His thoughts drifted back to the days in the temple when He justly stood and fulfilled the reading of the scroll of Isaiah 61 which prophesied His works and destiny long before His arrival on this planet.
He had proven to all, “Father, Your Spirit is upon me. You have anointed Me. I have preached the good tidings to the poor. I have healed the broken hearted, given liberty to the captives. I have opened the prison to the mentally ill and the demonized. I have comforted all who have mourned. I have given beauty for ashes.”
His eyes met with the young soldier’s eyes. The noise became louder with screams piercing in his ears. Jesus’ followers could not stand to see more brutal punishment served to our Lord. To His left, He could see the large fist clinched ready to strike another blow to the Lamb of God. In spite of the crushing blow about to hit the already bruised and swollen face of our Lord, Jesus looked into the young Roman soldier’s eyes again past the hate, pride, prejudice reflecting back to when the soldier was a little baby, a young boy then a young man before he became a proud soldier in Caesars’ great army to defend Rome. The pain dissipated. His heart was filled with so much love for this lost soldier. When He united the baby’s spirit with his parent’s seed of flesh - the spirit which lives eternally - this was the gift from heaven, a blessing to the parents to multiply the earth. He came to give this soldier and us the opportunity to find eternal life - to be delivered from the curse. If only he could have heard the words of life, seen the miracles, the blind to see, the sick healed and the lame to walk? But no one would tell the soldier about the man in front of him.
Would you have if you were there? The soldier did not know the Lord was very much aware of his birth.  Even when a sparrow falls to the ground He knows.  As the master watched in the formative years with much loving care for this soldier growing as a baby, Jesus saw the worrying and the fear of the parents when their baby son was struck with a high fever. He reached down with love and healed the child. He saw the time they were so worried when he was lost in the wilderness but the Lord sent angels to relieve and help them. Such is the expression of love from the Master.
He loved them when they didn’t even know the creator of their soul. Now the noise and the pain started to return, a reality worse than a bad dream. But once again this love that flows like a river recalled the time this young soldier was wounded, infected from a battle. Again Jesus’ love spared the soldier’s life. But now the devil’s gleam filled the soldier’s eyes. It stifled the Lord’s thoughts with all the power and hate the soldier devil driven struck a smashing blow on Jesus’ face, the sacrificial lamb. But the soldier made the mistake of looking into those love filled eyes, the One who created him. After that experience the soldier became weak, lost and empty. When he and the other soldiers took the Lord to Calvary’s hill to be crucified, he stood at the foot of the cross with the other soldiers gambling. All of a sudden the sky darkened with thunder and lightning striking all around. The earth violently quaked causing great fear to all the soldiers. The young soldier was then compelled to look up to Jesus not knowing our Lord was suffering and dying for him and all of mankind to receive the hope of eternal life.
His mind racing with wrenching fear thinking, who is this man, he is not like any other? At that moment time stood still.  A drip of blood from Emmanuel’s nailed driven hand in slow motion was directed by our loving Savior to sprinkle on the face of this young soldier. Was this reflecting the Old Testament ritual, a sprinkling blood on the mercy seat? No. A transformation occurred, the new covenant. It was done, once and for all, the last sacrifice, Jesus.
Instantly, a knowing and a joy flooded his soul. The kingdom of God had come to him also. His heart of stone was melted by the love of Jesus. A revelation of knowing was imparted to him by the Spirit of truth. “Truly, this man is a Son of God!”
Jesus confirmed the truth by saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Jesus came and died for this soldier and all mankind. The soldier, a spirit sent from heaven to earth, coupled with the seed of flesh from his parents, a soldier loved by Jesus on Calvary’s hill. Jesus became the curse to free you and me from our sins. They were placed on Him, the sacrifice with no sin. His precious blood gave atonement for us. All heaven looked down, all stopped, complete silence, all was commanded to hear our sacrificial lamb say, “It is finished.” And He gave up the Spirit.
That day was the greatest exchange for mankind. God gave His best, His Son so we could have eternal life. O yes, that day when the sun broke forth the young soldier fell on his knees in front of his savior, the sacrificial lamb. He asked for forgiveness and was born again. He could hear these words flood his heart, “Behold old things pass away I make all things new.” A strike of vengeance was changed into a love and redemption. There is a resonating voice that cannot be stifled for all eternity. Matthew 11:28 “Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavily laden and I will give you rest. Jesus.”
Please read Isaiah 53:2-10.
May this be a blessing to you and all glory to God!
Written by Bro. Don Waldo (09.10.2011)


Only in Him Ministries

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